Boat Club

The SSCA Boat Club is about so much more than boating.  80% of the club members don’t even own a boat!  They gather to enjoy social interaction and the chance to meet new neighbors.  Throughout the year, the Boat Club sponsors 4 major events: Fourth of July Picnic, Labor Day with Blue Crabs, Oyster Roast, Holiday Party, and Monthly Breakfast GAMs (A GAM is a New England term referring to a gathering to exchange important information). At SSCA Boat Club GAMs, like the New Englanders of past, members also get together to enjoy a big breakfast and informative presentations.

2024 Events

July 6 - 4th July Independence Day

September 7 - Labor Day with Blue Crabs

November 9 - Oyster Roast

December 14 - Holiday Special


News From Bill Lanier – The T-Shirt Guy
I am managing the merchandise sales for the Boat Club, and I have news about our SSBC logo’ed merchandise. There are Hoodies, T-Shirts, and hats for sale. Email me at [email protected] or text me at 908-489-4679.

We are re-stocked with sizes small to 3XL available.

Unfortunately, the Freshwater blue that has been so popular is no longer available in the Hoodies. The new color is a darker Blue that leans toward purple and looks great. We do have remaining stock in the lighter blue but when it’s gone its gone. I will have a limited selection at the January GAM so you can see for yourself.

We have a very limited supply of green and blue long sleeve T-Shirts in medium and large sizes as a test of demand. If you are interested, you should contact me soon. They are priced at $23 each.

Popular sizes and colors sell out so you may want to buy yours before the July 4th party. That is your best chance to get the size and color you want.

I am here to answer questions, help with color and size questions and take orders. We take cash, check or credit card when the items are picked up. Pickup can be arranged at one of the monthly GAMs or at my house. As you know we also sell at the marina events starting in July.

You MUST be a member of the BOAT CLUB to attend GAM Meetings.

2024 Monthly GAM Meetings
Duck Woods Country Club
8:30 AM
Contact Liz Lanier to register

August 8: Storm Preparedness
Speaker: Drew Pearson, Director, Department of Emergency Management

September 12: Graveyard of the Atlantic

October 10: Frauds, scams, identity theft protection

NO GAM's for months of November and December